BLOOD MOONS: What Do They Mean?
Blood moons are caused when the earth comes between the sun and the moon (a full lunar eclipse). Dirt and dust in our atmosphere can make the moon appear in different shades of red. One of the brightest blood moons was during the aftermath of a huge volcanic eruption.
This interesting phenomena occurs randomly . . . but the occurrence of four consecutive blood moons in two years is quite rare . . . and the occurrence of four blood moons on Jewish holy days is most unusual . . . perhaps significant to the people of Israel.
During the past 500 years, the Blood Moon Tetrads (groups of four) occurring during the Feasts of the LORD have occurred just four times . . . and they were during historical events that related to the people of Israel.
History scholar Dagobert Runes reported the following: “The Spanish Inquision was perhaps the most cynical plot in the dark history of Catholicism, aimed at expropriating the property of well-to-do Jews and converts in Spain, for the benefit of the royal court and the Church. Even dead “suspects” had their bones dug up for “trial” so estates could be confiscated from their heirs. Solemn ritualistic burning of Jews and other “heretics” at the behest of the inquisitional authorities of the Catholic Church began. “Trials” were conducted in the presence of the clergy and invariably ended in confession under torture by fire, skinng alive, bone-crushing, etc. The verdict was almost always “burn them alive.”
It is also interesting that during this time, Christopeher Columbus was commissioned to find a western passage to the Orient, and instead, discovered America which would become a great refuge for the Jewish people.
The second appearance of the Blood Moon Tetrads that was significant to Israel, occurred during the rebirth of the State of Israel and subsequent war for their very survival. The miracle of Israel’s rebirth after 2,000 years of dispersion and their very survival against the wrath of their Arab neighbors cannot be over-exaggerated.
Again, the blood moons occurred on the Jewish feast days: Passover, April 13, 1949, Feast of Tabernacles, October 7, 1949,Passover, April 2, 1950, and Feast of Tabernacles, September 26, 1950. Were these blood moons just a mere coincidence or were they messages from heaven?
It was remarkable that the next Blood Moon Tetrads also lined up with the Jewish feast days: Passover, April 24, 1967, Feast of Tabernacles, October 18, 1967, Passover, April 13, 1968, Feast of Tabernacles, October 6, 1968.
In 1967, the Arab nations once again rallied against the State of Israel. Their stated goal was the extermination of Jews . . . they committed themselves to drive the people of Israel into the sea. Approximately 465,000 enemy troops, with more than 2,800 tanks, and 800 aircraft began their assult. The Six Day War was truly a war of miracles with God intervening and assisting the people of Israel. There is no logical explanation other than the “hand of the Lord” fought for His chosen nation. Miracle after miracle was recorded as Israel, greatly outnumbered, quickly subdued their enemies. A German journalist reported: “Nothing like this has happened in history. A force including 1,000 tanks, hundreds of artillery cannons, many rockets and fighter jets, and a hundred thousand soldiers armed from head to toe was destroyed in two days in an area covering hundreds of kilometers filled with reinforced outposts and installations. And this victory was carried out by a force that lost many soldiers and much equipment, positions, and vehicles. No military logic or natural cause can explain this monumental occurance.”
The secular Ha’aretz newspaper summed up the Six-Day War with is admission: “Even a non-religious person must admit this war was fought with help from heaven.”
Now, the world is witnessing another Blood Moon Tetrad!
Is this just a “coincidence” or are we going to witness another historic event in the life of the State of Israel. Time will answer that question but from history we have observed that when the moon turns blood red on the Jewish feast days, something significant is about to happen.
What does the future hold concerning the State of Israel? We turn to the Bible for the answer:
Some day, in the prophetic future, Russia and and huge armada of enraged Arabs are going to attempt to invade Israel. We read about the Battle of “Gog and Magog” in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. This battle is NOT the Battle of Armegeddon . . . but appears to occur at the very beginning of the Tribulation. Again, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will intervene.
So . . . what will prompt Russia and the hate-crazed Arabs to attempt to once again annihilate Israel. There are several possibilities:
#1 Someday, the people of Israel are going to rebuild their Temple. This will probably occur only after the Muslim Dome of the Rock is destroyed and that will lead to an unbelievable backlash from the Arab world.
#2 Isaiah chapter 17 tells us that Damascus, Syria, will one day be totally destroyed: “Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. And behold, at evening, trouble, and before the morning, Damascus is not.”
The current conflicts taking place in Syria and Iraq may lead to the downfall of the Syrian government . . . and the enemies of Israel will make every attempt to get the weapons of mass destruction. It is fascinating to watch as Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS fight it out . . . and the real prize will be a huge arsenal of weapons. Israel has already said that they cannot and will not allow their enemies to get those weapons. Everyone knows that the State of Israel has nuclear weapons, and if they have to use them, they will!
#3 Iran is also part of the future equation . . . Israel cannot and will not let Iran fully develop nuclear weapons . . . and if Israel makes a strategic strike against the Iranian weapons plants, this too could trigger the coming Battle of Gog and Magog.
According to the ancient Hebrew prophets, there are troublesome days in store for the people of Israel. They will enter a seven year covenant of peace with a world leader who will turn on the Jewish people after the first three and one half years. This false “messiah” will attempt to annihilate the entire Hebrew race.
Jesus said — “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” Matthew 24:21-22
The hope for all mankind, is a personal relationship with God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning work upon the cross. If you have never considered placing your faith in Him, do it soon!
The author encourages you to get your Bible out and take a trip down the Romans Road by reading Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9-13, 8:1 See also Isaiah chapter 53 and John 3:16.
What is going on?
Is God Trying To Tell Us Something?
SUPER BLOOD MOON . . . January 31, 2018
Another blood moon . . . been there . . . done that . . . seen em’ all! But I was interested enough to join the millions of others across the northern hemisphere who got up at 5:30 a.m. and take a quick peek. Quite fascinating really . . . but nothing all that unusual. Or was it more unusual than we think?
I checked things out at the world’s source of all wisdom and knowledge . . . Google. Guess what? This was another blood moon that occurred on another Jewish feast day. You’ve got to be kidding. What’s with all these blood moons on Jewish holidays?
This interesting phenomena of blood moons occurs randomly . . . but the occurrence of four consecutive blood moons in two years (2014-2015) was quite rare . . . and the occurrence of four blood moons on Jewish holy days is most unusual . . . perhaps significant to the people of Israel:
Blood moon April 15, 2014 . . . Passover
Blood moon October 8, 2014 . . . Feast of Tabernacles
Blood moon April 4, 2015 . . . Passover
Blood Moon September 28, 2015 . . . Feast of Tabernacles
The Bible declares that God sends signs of warnings to His chosen people of the Nation of Israel.
During the past 500 years, the Blood Moon Tetrads (groups of four) occurring during the Feasts of the LORD have occurred just four times . . . and they were all during historical events that related to the people of Israel.
Now here’s another blood moon . . . this time on the Jewish festival of Tu BiShvat or Tu B’ Shevat. This minor Jewish holiday begins on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat which began this year at sundown on Tuesday, January 30, 2018. Before the sun came up here in the Rocky Mountains, the moon turned blood red . . . again. SO?
It is interesting to me that the festival of Tu B’Shevat is one of four “new years” mentioned in the Hebrew writings called the Mishnah . . . this festival is referred to as the New Year of the Trees. SO?
The Book of Revelation describes a seven-year time of unprecedented suffering known as the Tribulation. The first of the seven Trumpet Judgments has something to say about trees . . . “The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mixed with blood, and they were cast upon the earth; and the THIRD PART OF TREES was burnt up . . . ” Revelation 8:7
It may be noteworthy that this blood moon was visible across the northern hemisphere and America and Canada where there are lots of trees (and it was not visible across the Sahara Dessert)! Is God telling us that something is about to happen that will be so destructive that it will even destroy 1/3 of the trees . . . and possibly every living thing in the northern hemisphere? Personally, I have no idea . . . but is it something to just ignore?
So why do some Christians look up in the sky with amazement . . . and wonder about these blood moon occurrences? Take a look at the very first chapter in the Bible . . . “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; AND LET THEM BE FOR SIGNS, and for seasons, and for days, and years . . . ” Genesis 1:14
Should we be learning something from all of these blood moons on Jewish holidays? Is this a heavenly warning to the people of Israel about future events? As I stated above . . . I don’t honestly know . . . but you have to admit it is interesting nonetheless!
God’s Warning to Israel: FLEE!
Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51 describe an end-time nation that is facing a sudden and devastating attack from an enemy from the far north. It is out of this country (whoever it is) that the LORD warns His ancient people to FLEE! (Jeremiah 50:6-9 51:6 Revelation 18:4) The threat of sudden destruction and possibly devastating terrorism attacks coming upon that great end-time nation will apparently be so great that even the workers in the field will flee back to their own country . . . so who needs a wall? “Cut off the sower from Babylon, and him that handles the sickle in time of harvest; for fear of the oppressing sword they shall turn every one to his people, and they shall flee every one to his own land.” Jeremiah 50:16
So who is this nation . . . this “daughter of Babylon” as she is called in Isaiah 47:1 and Jeremiah 50:42?
Consider a few of her descriptions:
End-time Babylon will be the youngest of great nations. (Jeremiah 50:12)
End-time Babylon will be born from a motherland. (Jeremiah 50:12)
End-time Babylon will be composed of a mixed multitude, a literal melting pot of all nationalities. (Jeremiah 50:37)
End-time Babylon is depicted as the most wealthy of nations, the world center of manufacturing, commerce, and agricultural production. (Revelation 18:7 Jeremiah 50:16 Jeremiah 51:13)
Her location is to the west of Jerusalem, “beyond the rivers of Ethiopia.” (Isaiah 18:1)
This end-time nation will also be the great consumer of the world’s products with merchant ships filling her many harbors. (Revelation 18:11-17)
End-time Babylon will be fully developed and mapped with many cities. (Isaiah 18:2, Jeremiah 50:32)
Air travel and military security are some of her greatest assets. (Isaiah 18:1)
Babylon and her people who once were recognized as the “lady of kingdoms,” will become preoccupied with pleasures, luxuries, and higher education. (Jeremiah 51:17 Isaiah 47:8, 10)_
She will become extremely sinful and arrogant in her attitude toward the Lord of heaven. (Jeremiah 50:14, 24, 29 Isaiah 13:11)
She will give herself to drugs, occultic practices and great immorality. (Isaiah 13:11 Revelation 18:23)
Perversion will become an accepted lifestyle. (Isiah 13:11, 19-20)
The sins of her national leaders will be exposed for all of the world to see. (Isaiah 47:3)
The rumor of coming terrorism will cause multitudes to flee her cities and seek shelter in their own homelands. (Isaiah 47:11)
The once “glory of kingdoms” will come under the chastening hand of the Lord Who Himself made her great. (Jeremiah 51:6-9)
WHO IS THIS END-TIME BABYLON? The Scriptures don’t tell us specifically . . . but the description may certainly be a clue. And the blood moons . . . are they a sign . . . a warning to the people of Israel to flee? None of us know for sure . . . but time will tell won’t it!
Discovery World