Damascus, Syria, Will be Destroyed
According to Bible Prophecy
It may surprise many that Damascus, Syria, is listed in the Prophetic Scriptures. In quoting the following verses, it should be understood that no man living knows the timing of such horrific events.
We are living at a time when a number of end-time nations are the subjects of the prophets of old . . . and those nations include Israel, Syria, Russia, and Persia (modern day Iran) and even a nation that “dwells securely in the coastlands (beyond the sea).” (Ezekiel chapters 38-39)
We must not take an alarmist nor over-sensational view of day-to-day occurrences in our world but at the same time we should be aware of what God Himself has said will take place some day in the future.
Isaiah spoke of the utter ruin of Damascus in chapter 17 of his prophecy:
Isaiah 17:1 –“The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.”
Our generation knows full-well the devastating power of nuclear weapons. The making of a “ruinous heap” is possible in just a few minutes time. No other generation has lived when such a horrendous thing could happen . . . overnight:
Isaiah 17:14 — “And behold at evening, trouble; and before the morning, he (king of Damascus and his city) is not.”
The Prophet Jeremiah also spoke words of warning and the future destruction to Damascus — “And I will kindle a FIRE in the wall of Damascus, and it shall consume the palaces of Ben-hadad.” Jeremiah 49:27
Finally, the Prophet Amos repeated the same message of coming judgment to Damascus — “I will send a fire into the house of Hazael, which shall devour the palaces of Ben-hadad.”
People often ask me — “What is going to happen next?”
We need to remember that modern-day “armchair prophets” can only speak with mere speculations. I certainly don’t claim to be a prophet who can see into the future . . . but at the same time, the prophetic Scriptures give us a hint of a possible scenario. None of us know when these events will occur but we would be unwise to simply ignore what God has written through His prophets!
The center of all that is going to happen prophetically in the Middle East is Israel. According to Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, Russia (Magog of the north) will one-day amass a huge army of fanatical Arabic soldiers and will attempt to invade Israel and cross the Jordan River from the east. This is not just a far-fetched guess about the future. It is going to happen just as God declared . . . when?? . . . none of us know!
There are two or three events that could trigger this massive invasion attempt.
#1 Israel may be forced to respond to weapons of mass destruction launched from Syria. If Israel is ever attacked by nerve gas missiles or other weapons of mass destruction, you can be sure that she will defend herself and that could lead to the total annihilation of a city like Damascus.
#2 The international community has already condemned Israel for its very existence. On December 23, 2016, just a month before President Barack Obama relinquished his office as president of the United State, the U.N. Security Counsel passed Resolution 2334 which condemns Israel as an illegal “occupying power.” The resolution states that Israel must return to the limited borders it had before the 1967 Six Day War when Israel was attacked by its neighbors. Part of this resolution calls for the surrender of Jerusalem to the Palestinians and the abandoning of the entire West Bank by Israeli forces and settlers.
The United States would usually use their veto power to defeat such an absurd resolution but under the direction of President Obama, the United States abstained from the historic vote allowing it to become international law. The point is, any invasion to enforce the U. N. Resolution would be acceptable and even applauded by the international community. Russia and a huge armada of Arab soldiers will one day attempt to invade Israel, apparently with the approval of the rest of the world.
#3 Any attempt by Israel to rebuild their Temple on Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be met with violent consequences. But the Old Testament prophets declared that the Temple will be rebuilt some day.
We are living in historic and dangerous days. For Bible-believing people the events around us are truly fascinating . . . and it helps to know the end of the story!
I am not making any predictions about the future when it comes to when these prophetic events will occur. But all of us should be aware of what is going on in the world around us and for those of us who have never placed our faith in the Lord of Heaven now would certainly be the time.
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