Believe it or not, the sun is 109 times as large as planet earth! It’s diameter is estimated to be 864,938 miles across. The sun is almost 93 million miles from earth. Light from the sun travels to earth in approximately 8.3 minutes.
Energy from the sun is the source of heat and energy for planet earth. Because of the heat and light transmitted to us, we live in a perfect environment for both plants and animals . . . and humans. But the sun can also be very destructive. It’s ultraviolet rays not only can burn the skin, but over-exposure is now known to cause cancer.
We are fortunate that the sun is at the exact the distance away from earth so we can live in a world that sustains life in great abundance . . . but scientists have discovered and verified an amazing fact:
The sun is actually getting smaller!
The sun is a consumable energy source. Just like the logs that burn up in a camp fire, our sun is shrinking very slowly.
The shrinking of the sun is nothing to worry about of course, but here is an amazing fact: at the present calculated rate, the diameter of the sun will be approximately half the size it presently is just 100,000 years from now. So much for earth warming!
Planet earth . . . created by God less than 10,000 years ago!
Since 1836 more than one hundred different observers at the Royal Greenwich Observatory and the U.S. Naval Observatory have made visual measurements that reveal that the DIAMETER OF THE SUN IS SLOWLY SHRINKING at the rate of 0.1% per century (1% per thousand years). That means that the suns was 2% larger when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, approximately 2,000 years ago. 2% difference wouldn’t have drastically changed our climate.
But here is another amazing fact: if the earth and sun were just 100,000 years old, the sun would have been TWICE THE SIZE THAT IT IS right now! In fact, the sun, at the present rate of consumption and shrinkage, would have been TWENTY TIMES as large just 1,000,000 ago!
Evolutionary philosophers tell us that the earth, sun, and universe are over 4.5 to 5 billion years old. Can you imagine the size of the sun 5 billion of years ago?
Even one hundred thousand years ago, the surface of the earth would have been too hot to sustain any life and all the water on planet earth would have boiled.
20 million years ago, the sun would have been so large that it would have nearly touched the surface of planet earth. Imagine how big the sun would have been 4.5 to 5 billion years ago! Talk about a bad sunburn!
Maybe it is time for us to rethink the troubled theory of evolution which teaches that earth and the sun are billions of years old.
Discovery World