Rags to Rats?
In 1861 a famous scientist performed a fascinating experiment with mice . . . and rags!
In those days many scientists believed in the theory of spontaneous generation, that is, that life can come from non-living matter. Don’t laugh, but they actually believed that a pile of dirty rags left in a corner could breed rats and mice. They concluded that since mice would build a nest in the rag pile, the rags themselves must have generated the lives of the disgusting little pests.
One well known scientist decided he would observe many piles of rags and in the process he disproved the theory of spontaneous generation. The mice migrated to the rags, but the rags never turned into mice!
The name of that scientists may surprise you . . . Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). Pasteur proved that LIFE CANNOT ARISE FROM NON-LIVING MATERIALS.
Pasteur concluded from his experiments that only God could create living creatures. But modern evolutionary theory continues to be based on that out-dated theory disproved by Pasteur: spontaneous generation (life rises from non-life). Why do so called evolutionary
scientists continue to insist on such a far-out theory? Answer: Because it is the only basis on which evolution could occur. I like to refer to modern day evolution as the “Muck to Chuck Theory!”
Life cannot evolve from non-living substances like rocks or mud . . . even with billions of years added to the equation!”With spontaneous generation discredited (by Pasteur), biologists were left with no theory
of the origin of life at all.” (J. Edison Adams, Plants: An Introduction to Modern Biology, 1967, p. 585)
Maybe we should return to the text book of life . . . it tells us that “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1
Edited by Chuck Anderson, Editor of Discovery News.
Adopted from “The Evolution Handbook”, p. 20
Evolutionary scientists continue to believe in spontaneous generation, that is, that life can come from non-living matter. Why do they insist on this theory that was disproved by Louis Pasteur in 1861?
Discovery World