RADIO HALOS . . . The Rocks Cry Out!
Some scientists believe that the universe began with a BIG BANG! That means that every planet including planet earth was once a fiery mass . . . that the earth cooled over the process of billions of years and eventually life evolved as we know it today.
Is this theory really true or is there evidence that the world was created instantly as we see it?
The major basement rock of our planet is granite. Scientists have now proved that granite did not originate from the gradual cooling of molten lava, but came into being in its present solid form.
In fact, these major rock formations came into existence within a space of less than three minutes!
Granite rocks contain trillions upon trillions of RADIO HALOS. These microscopic halo looking spots are embedded in the rock and they are conclusive evidence that granite was formed in its solid state in less than 180 seconds. A radio halo is the mark left around a particle of radio-active substance by the radiation coming from that particle. It can only form in a solid substance such as rock, since, in a liquid or molten rock, the mark would dissipate and could not be seen.
Radio halos in granite bedrock. Granite rock
These radio halos from polonium (Po-218) develop their half-life in only three minutes (in other words, they emit radiation for only a few minutes), so the radio halos had to be in those rocks when the rocks were first brought into existence.
Since granite is the basement rock, forming a thick layer with the continents of the world above it and the basalt and magma below it, all of the continental foundations had to be formed solid in less than three minutes time.
The Alka-Seltzer illustration below will help you to understand the significance of the radio halos found in granite all over the world.
Alka-Seltzer Demonstration:
Nearly everyone has dropped an Alka-Seltzer tablet into a glass of water and watched it fizz away. If you found a glass of ice with half an Alka-Seltzer tablet still in the bottom, and bubbles going up into the ice, what would you conclude?
Obviously, the water froze very quickly, or the tablet and bubbles would have all disappeared.
Likewise, we can know that the granite foundation rock of our world became solid within three minutes, or the polonium radio halos would not have formed so that we could see them today!
Maybe it is time for us to reconsider our commitment to the troubled theory of the BIG BANG and EVOLUTION!
Massive mountain of granite rock.
The next time you have the opportunity to see the majestic wonders of the world we live in, lift your eyes to the heavens and praise the One Who created all of these things in a moment of time!
Discovery World