Most of us learned all about the evolution of man chart in school . . .
I was personally thrilled as a teenager, when I was told that scientists had found the missing links between our monkey ancestors and modern man.
It seems that what we learned about Nebraska Man was not exactly truthful. The Nebraska Man picture was created by an artist from ONE MOLAR TOOTH and not from a preserved half-man fossil.
Further research revealed that the image was actually created from a single tooth of an EXTINCT PIG . . . not a man or half-man at all.
This so called “missing link” was the key evidence in the Scopes Trial even though it has been proven fraudulent. Our evolutionary text books also continue to present Nebraska Man as one of the missing links proving that the public school system is more interested in indoctrination than education!
In 1912 Piltdown Man was found. This created a great sensation in the scientific world and the men who supposedly found this “missing link” were knighted as a royal and heroic tribute by the King of England. However, in 1916, a dentist examined the “evidence” and discovered that the teeth had been filed down by someone.
Later, in 1953, Joseph Weiner and Kenneth Oakley applied a newly developed fluorine test to the bones and found that Piltdown Man was nothing more than a deceptive hoax.
Someone had taken an ape jaw and put it with a human skull, filed the teeth and then carefully stained it all so that the bones looked both ancient and a matching set. The whole thing was a fabrication by a man by the name of Dawson, apparently to achieve scientific recognition. Worse even than Dawson’s deception is the ongoing deception that Piltdown Man is credible evidence of evolution.
Peking Man became one of the “missing links” in the 1920’s. A man by the name of Davidson Black found a single tooth near Peking, China. After being given a grant of $80,000.00 from the Rockefeller Foundation, it was discovered that the tooth was found in a town garbage dump. The site contained thousands of animal bones and a few human bone fragments. From these fragments Peking Man was declared to be the “missing link” in the evolution of ape to man.
Now, all evidence of the Peking Man has strangely disappeared even though it is still featured as one of the great “missing links” in many text books.
“Lucy” is one of the most recent of the Australopithecus finds and was unearthed by Donald C. Johanson at Hadar, Ethiopia in 1975. In 1976, Mr. Johanson said that “Lucy” had massive V-shaped jaws in contrast to man.” (National Geographic Magazine, 150:790-810). Then, in 1981 he stated that she was “embarrassingly un-homo like.
Time Magazine reported in 1977 that Lucy had a tiny skull, a head like an ape, a brain case size the same as that of a chimp — 450 cc. and “was surprisingly short legged.” In 1983 it was determined that Lucy’s ankle bone tilts backward like a gorilla instead of forward like a human beings who need it in order to walk upright.
It has been determined that “Lucy’s” thumbs were very apelike, her toes long and curved for climbing trees, and that she probably nested in the trees and lived like other monkeys.
The man who discovered “Lucy” later confessed that she was only an ape . . . not the “missing link” he had hoped her to be. How embarrassing!
In 1891, Java Man was found by a man named Eugene Dubois. This is a classic example of a man searching for evidence to support the theory of evolution.
After dropping out of school, he began searching in Sumatra and other Dutch East Indies islands. Finally, on the island of Java, he found a skull cap. A year later and fifty feet from where he found the skull cap, he found a femur or leg bone. Sometime later, at another location, he found three teeth.
British zoologist thought his finds were human, but German experts decided it was an ape. When further examination of the bones was requested, Dubois refused to show his “bone collection” to anyone.
About 15 years before his death, and after most evolutionists had become convinced that the bones found in Java were nothing more than from a modern human, Eugene Dubois announced his conviction that the bones belonged to a gibbon (a very small ape with long arms and no tail).
School textbooks continue to cite 500,000 years as the age of “Java Man”, one of our “missing links” but obviously quite an imaginary figure. Believe in evolution requires incredible faith in lies and deception!
At the International Congress of Zoology (1958), Dr. A. J. E. Cave reported that his examination of the famous Neanderthal skeleton found in France, was that of an old man who suffered from arthritis.
Thus, another “missing link” bit the dust!New Paragraph
Cro-Magnon Man: One of the earliest and best established fossils has been found to be equal in physique and brain capacity as a modern man . . . so what is the difference?
New Guinea Man dates way back to 1970 . . . this species once thought to be a “missing link”, has been found in the region just north of Australia . . . ALIVE!
The fact is, the fossil record has not produced one piece of evidence that man has evolved from another species. Millions and millions of fossils have been unearthed, and not one of them substantiates the philosophy that man evolved from apes, monkeys, or any other animal.
If the theory of evolution were true, surely by now at least one credible piece of fossil evidence would have been unearthed.
What happened to all the “missing links“? All of them have been proven to be fraudulent lies perpetrated by the deceptive lies of men determined to indoctrinate the public in evolution!New Paragraph
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