There is a huge debate waging about man-induced earth warming. Without doubt, this political issue has caused much confusion. Let’s drop the phrase “man-induced” from the earth warming debate and simply consider earth warming . . . in the PAST . . . and in the FUTURE!
What caused so many ancient cities to be entombed in water? Is Atlantis a fact or fable?
The discoveries of underwater cities all over the world is causing many people including scientists to scratch their heads in amazement and wonder. The ancient cities under the sea also has the potential of changing our understanding of world history. Scuba divers and underwater archaeologists are astonished at their recent finds. The following list and pictures of ancient underwater cities is just the tip of the iceberg of amazing “lost cities”:
Thonis-Heracleion off the coast of Egypt: Artifacts brought to the surface indicate the ancient city of Thonis-Heracleion was once a huge trading center and bustling seaport city on the coast of Egypt. More than 60 ancient shipwrecks have been found in the immediate area, along with hundreds of anchors, coins from across the sea, tablets inscribed in ancient Greek and Egyptian, and vast sculptures that were thought to have once adorned the city’s many temples. This underwater city was once the official port-of-entry for Egypt around 664 to 332 BC. What happened to cover it with 100 feet of water?
Cleopatra’s Alexandria / Egypt:
The City of Alexandria of ancient Egyptian ruler Cleopatra was lost for 1,600 years, with tales of its existence seeming like no more than mere legends. But a a team of marine archaeologist discovered the ruins off the shore of modern-day Alexandria in 1998, revealing vast monuments still standing after all this time. Historians have found columns, sphinxes, statues, temples and the foundations of a palace that possibly belonged to Cleopatra herself. What is this ancient city doing under water?
Dwarka, Underwater City in the Gulf of Cambay, India:
Some people in India believe that the underwater ruins of an ancient city in India’s Gulf of Cambay is the lost city of Lord Krishna. The ruins are located 131 feet below the surface of the water just off the coast of modern-day Dwarka, one of the seven oldest cities in India.
Baia, Underwater City Off the Coast of Italy:
The ancient city of Baia was a prominent Roman resort city for centuries. Some of antiquity’s most powerful figures such as Nero, Cicero, and Caesar were known to have visited the city and a number of them actually built permanent vacation villas there.
Today the ancient remains of Baia can be visited in one of the world’s few underwater archaeological parks. Visitors can view the crumbled structures and amazingly preserved statuary of the city through glass-bottomed boats, snorkeling, or even scuba dives which allow people to actually swim amongst the underwater ruins. Below: statues and beautiful floor tiles can be seen at the underwater ruins of ancient Baia.
For the past 4,000 years the world’s sea level has been slowly inching up . . . because the earth is warmer than it once was! Earth warming is real!
This rising of the sea level has been caused by the melting of the post-flood ice (the ice age lasted some 700 years following the world-wide deluge). Note: Noah’s Flood and Noah's Ark are NOT A MYTH! Flood waters left behind on the land in the form of ice have been gradually melting and draining into the oceans. The result has been not only a drying out of the land, but a corresponding rise in sea levels. The Hadji Ahmed map of 1559, whose original source dates back thousands of years, show a land-bridge between Siberia and Alaska . . . if the ocean between these two land masses were lowered a mere 100 feet today, there would be a dry-land path between them. This helps us to understand how the native peoples of north and south America apparently migrated from Asia.
Scientists and archaeologists tell us that Ireland was once connected to England; the North Sea was once a giant plain; and Italy was once joined to Africa. Along many of the world’s shorelines are lost islands and cities, now deep below the surface of the sea.
A fascinating article has been written by Julie Van Vett and Bruce Malone in their daily devotional book “Have You Considered . . . Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” Their thoughts for February 15 are interesting to say the least: “Is there really a lost city of Atlantis, or is this just a myth? Let’s consider what happened after the Flood. Within a few hundred years, the rapidly expanding human population was spreading across earth after being dispersed from the Tower of Babel. The end of the Flood also marked the beginning of the Ice Age. The Flood warmed the oceans of the world causing increased evaporation. This resulted in a wetter, colder climate worldwide with massive snow fall in high north and south latitudes. Fine ash particles from the massive volcanic activity during and after the Flood also worked to keep the earth cool and snow from melting.
"This resulted in enormous amounts of water being removed from the oceans. Most experts believe the oceans were 300 feet lower during the height of the Ice Age. It is estimated that this one and only Ice Age lasted about 700 years. It seems likely that many people spreading out at this time of earth history would have settled along coastlines. At the end of the Ice Age, the ice packs began to melt — returning the water to the oceans and causing the sea level to rise about 300 feet. This caused flooding of coastal cities all over the world.
Today, we are discovering more and more underwater archaeological sites: Yonaguni near Japan, old Dwarka near India, Yamuta near Lebanon and underwater cities off the coasts of Greece, and Cuba. The submerged megaliths off southern India are a boon for the local fishermen. The temples and walls provide a place for the fish to congregate. The local fishermen are constantly snagging their nets on the buildings and must dive to loosen them. These local fishermen have the privilege of seeing the submerged kingdom of Kumari Kandam with its columns, pyramids, stone wall and lion statues. In other words, the ancients were building megalithic cities during the Ice Age that were submerged as the Ice Age ended. Was the city of Atlantis a myth? Let’s just say these are exciting times for this new field of study, underwater archaeology.”
The topic of earth warming has become a huge debate and political issue. Is the earth getting warmer? Possibly . . . but let’s keep in mind that the earth goes through continuous cycles of weather and there is evidence that the sea levels are rising about a foot and a half per century. Be careful where you build that seaside vacation home!
You might be surprised that a future even greater change of weather is prophesied in the Bible . . . REAL EARTH WARMING!
Planet earth is rapidly approaching a terrible time of suffering and world-wide devastation known as the Tribulation . . . seven years of purging and judgment is coming upon the unbelieving world. Revelation 16:8-9 tells us that part of the judgment coming upon mankind is a time of severe earth warming — “And the fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the SUN, and power was given unto him to SCORCH MEN WITH FIRE. And men were scorched with GREAT HEAT, and blasphemed the Name of God, who hath power over these plagues; and they repented not to give Him glory.”
Apparently, during the last half of the seven years of Tribulation, the sun will experience what scientists call a supernova . . . a great increase of heat, radiation, and light. Explosions on the supernova stars greatly increases the heat and brilliance and release of harmful radiation. Mega solar flares have been observed in other stars in the galaxy . . . and afterwards the stars greatly diminish in their intensity. Perhaps this decrease of heat and light from the sun is the reason we read that after the sun erupts it will no longer be necessary when Jesus comes in power and great glory and abides with His people on planet earth and in the New Jerusalem — “And there shall be no night there; and they need no lamp, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light, and they shall reign forever and ever.” Revelation 22:5 The day is coming when earth will no longer be dependent upon the sun for either light or heat.
If you have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and received Him as Savior and Lord, you have no need to fear the future . . . after all . . . He is the way, the truth, and the life . . . He is our hope for now and the future! If you are not certain of your eternal future, we would encourage you to read the illustrated booklets below. GOT QUESTIONS about your eternal destination? Email editor Chuck Anderson at
Good News For a Bad News World".
Discovery World